4300 E. Sunrise Drive, Tucson Arizona 85718
Phone number: 520-209-8300 | Fax: 520-209-8520
Attendance Line: 520-209-8318
School Hours: 8:35am-3:25pm
Counseling Office 520-209-8305
Health Office: 520-209-8304
Athletics Office: 520-209-8412
Registrar: 520-209-8385
School Code: 030476
Dr. Chris Lambert
Counseling Home
Role of a School Counselor
CFSD School Counseling
Registration, Records, and Transcripts
Freshman / New Student Transition
Academics: Info and Support
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School & Community Resources
Leadership / Community Opportunities
Summer Opportunities
Freshman / New Student Transition
Freshman Orientation is scheduled two days before school starts and lasts from 8:00 am to noon. It begins in the CFHS gymnasium with the entire freshman class getting to know one another by engaging in fast-moving and fun activities. Upon completion of this part of the morning, the freshmen will break into groups of 8-10 students and two Link Leaders. During this second part of the orientation, the small groups will work through challenges sparking conversation about high school, questions will be answered, schedules will be discussed and a comprehensive tour will take place. The morning closes with another gathering of the entire freshman class in the gym, celebrating their entry into high school. Students should dress comfortably and do not need to bring anything for school.
Students in grades 10-12 who are new to CFHS (transfer students) are encouraged to attend New Student Orientation (two days before school starts, 10:00 am to noon, CFHS Cafeteria) to be welcomed by Link Leaders and meet other new students. Link Leaders will provide tips for success at CFHS, answer questions, assist with understanding student schedules and finding classrooms.
Link Crew is a freshman transition program designed to offer support from juniors and seniors selected for their kindness and citizenship on our campus. Our leaders participate in 12 hours of training to lead the 9th graders through a 4-hour freshman orientation program. Link Crew leaders also keep in touch with their freshmen group members throughout the school year. There are academic follow-up meetings during Advisory period during which time groups reconvene and discuss student progress and ways to achieve success. Link Crew leaders plan activities for the freshman class, such as movie and game nights, and a study session for their first final exams in December, called, “Cocoa and Cram.” Leaders are selected through an application and interview process in March of their sophomore and/or junior year. Teachers are asked to nominate students they feel would be good leaders, but any student is welcome to apply. Members who choose to participate in a leadership course and help plan and coordinate the student activities may take the Student Leadership: LC class for 1.0 credit.
There is no school supply list for CFHS students. During the first two days of school, each teacher will pass out a syllabus to their classes explaining what is needed for the year. Students have the weekend and beyond to secure needed items. For those with financial need, notebooks and pens/pencils are available in the counseling office.
Students will have their school pictures taken and photo IDs made during the first few days of school during class time. Students are expected to wear their IDs throughout the school day. If lost or damaged, replacement IDs cost $5 and payment is made at the Bursar’s Office.
Students travel to the library as a class during the first couple of days of school to check out their textbooks needed for the school year. The student is responsible for damaged or non-returned texts/books at the end of the year.