CFHS Logo4300 E. Sunrise Drive, Tucson Arizona 85718
Phone number: 520-209-8300 | Fax: 520-209-8520
Attendance Line: 520-209-8318
School Hours: 8:35am-3:25pm
Counseling Office 520-209-8305
Health Office: 520-209-8304
Athletics Office: 520-209-8412
Registrar: 520-209-8385
School Code: 030476

Dr. Chris Lambert

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Kinetic Wellness

Kinetic Wellness Guidelines

All students must successfully complete a minimum of one credit (two semesters) of Kinetic Wellness coursework to meet CFHS graduation requirements.

Daily engagement in class activities is critical to success, and students should be aware of the following expectations regarding all PE classes:

Students are expected to be on time and prepared for each class, and fully ready to actively participate. It is the responsibility of each student to be punctual and stay informed of all procedures. A student is tardy if he/she is not in his/her appointed area (weight room, gym, outdoors) for attendance within five (5) minutes of the late bell. Having appropriate physical education attire ready and knowing your locker combination is a must in order to be punctual consistently.

Students must change from school clothes to appropriate attire for participation in physical education activities. The appropriate attire for physical education consists of a T-shirt, shorts, sneakers, and a warm-up suit or sweats for cool days. This attire must adhere to the CFHS dress code. Students who do not dress appropriately for class will receive a "non-dress" notation and will still be expected to fully participate in the day’s class activities.

Engagement Points:
Students earn daily engagement points. Each student is allowed up to four (4) excused classes per semester (illness, injury, activity absence – athletic, club, field trip) for which they will not lose engagement credit. Students are able to make up engagement points after the 4th absence from class activity during Friday morning late start. It is the student's responsibility to schedule a time with the PE teacher to make up for missed class engagement. The student has ONE WEEK to schedule the make up for missed classes or s/he will lose the opportunity to recover engagement points for that class. We strongly encourage students who are absent or have a medical excuse to take the initiative to restore their class engagement points.

Medical Excuses for restricted/non-engagement:
A written note is required to excuse a student from engagement in physical education classes for medical reasons. A parent note is acceptable if the student is to be excused three (3) days or less; a note from a medical professional (doctors, physician assistants, and physical therapists only) is required for being excused from activity for more than three (3) days. The note needs to include the nature of the illness/injury which prevents engagement, the dates the student’s activity level is impacted, and a list of specific activities in which the student can and cannot participate (e.g., running, walking, jumping, throwing, stretching, lifting, upper body/lower body activity, cardio, etc). Notes must be received prior to or during the period of time that the student is to be excused from activity. If the medical note reads "until further notice," an additional note will be needed for re-entry into class activity, and the note will need to validate any extended excusal. A student with a medical note must bring one copy to the physical education teacher and another copy must be taken to the health office. Note: Students will not earn engagement points during periods of medical excusal. Daily engagement points for students receiving a medical excuse should be made up in the same manner as other excused absences (outlined in item 3). If a student has more than four absences and/or non-engagement days, s/he is strongly encouraged to take advantage of the opportunity to recover engagement points.

The school is not responsible for personal items that are unlocked, left out in the open, and/or unattended by students in the locker room.