Phone number: 520-209-8300 | Fax: 520-209-8520
Attendance Line: 520-209-8318
School Hours: 8:35am-3:25pm
Counseling Office 520-209-8305
Health Office: 520-209-8304
Athletics Office: 520-209-8412
Registrar: 520-209-8385
School Code: 030476
Dr. Chris Lambert

Attendance Procedures:
Attendance Line: 520-209-8318
Welcome to the CFHS attendance page. Parents, please make sure you and your student are familiar with CFHS's attendance procedures. Attendance email forms can be found on the sidebar to the left as well as a Sign-In/Out Guide. If you have any questions please contact our Attendance Clerk, Makenna Donahue at 520-209-8318 or or your student's Grade Level Administrator:
12th Grade - Jen Miller 520-209-8482
11th Grade - Charles Pierce 520-209-8412
10th Grade - Mary Franco 520-209-8374
9th Grade - Andrea Tellez 520-209-8446
We appreciate your knowledge of CFHS policies and procedures as well as your commitment to following them so that we can accurately track student attendance for academic, safety and financial reasons.
For LATE ARRIVALS the FIRST period of the day:
Student brings a doctor’s note to the FRONT OFFICE AND the student signs in at the FRONT OFFICE. Student will be issued a pass to class.
For LATE ARRIVALS all other periods of the day (all students must sign in at the FRONT OFFICE):
One of the following is required for the absence(s) to be excused:
1. Parent/guardian phone call to attendance excusing the late arrival AND the student signs in at the FRONT OFFICE
2. Student brings parent/guardian and/or doctor’s note to the FRONT OFFICE and the student signs in.
Parents/guardians of 9th and 10th graders must do one of the following for the absence(s) to be excused:
1. Send note to the FRONT OFFICE in the morning indicating time of departure. Student will be issued a pass to leave class. Parent will meet the student at the FRONT OFFICE to sign out. This is the PREFERRED method.
2. Ask the FRONT OFFICE to call the student out of class (not preferred due to the disruption of class instruction) and sign the student out. Students will not be called out of class during the last 15 minutes of the school day.
NOTE: 9th and 10th graders are NOT permitted to sign themselves out to leave campus unless there is an emergency.
Parents/guardians of 11th and 12th graders must do one of the following for the absence(s) to be excused:
1. Send the student with a note and a verification phone number and then the student must SIGN OUT at the FRONT OFFICE.
2. Call the attendance office prior to the student’s planned departure from school and the student must then SIGN OUT at the FRONT OFFICE. Students will not be called out of class during the last 15 minutes of the school day.
All students must report to the HEALTH OFFICE if they become ill during the school day. If the nurse deems it appropriate, the student may be sent home due to illness.
- 9th and 10th graders must be picked up by their parents/guardians
- 11th and 12th graders may sign out after the health office receives approval from the parent/guardian
For an OFF-CAMPUS ILLNESS (the student stays home from school):
A phone call to the attendance line or a note must be turned in to the front office from the parent/guardian within 24 HOURS of the student’s return to school in order for the absence(s) to be excused. Please be prompt.