Phone number: 520-209-8300 | Fax: 520-209-8520
Attendance Line: 520-209-8318
School Hours: 8:35am-3:25pm
Counseling Office 520-209-8305
Health Office: 520-209-8304
Athletics Office: 520-209-8412
Registrar: 520-209-8385
School Code: 030476
Dr. Chris Lambert

Our Mission
The Special Education Team at Catalina Foothills is committed to helping students achieve all that they can be. We prepare our students for a productive and successful transition from high school. We strive to provide our students with assistance in helping them achieve in the classroom and beyond. We teach our students self-advocacy skills, study skills, and life skills that will be valuable for them now and in the future.
Our Faculty
Name | Phone | Position |
Adams, Helen | 520-209-8452 | Academic Support |
Curley, Jessica | 520-209-8426 | EL Services |
Dallaire, Jessica | 520-209-8458 | Academic Support |
Dattilo, Arpana | 520-209-8468 | School Psychologist |
Kohut, Helena | 520-209-8465 | Academic Support |
Lopez, Christopher | 520-209-8330 | School Nurse |
Hinson, Blake | 520-209-8465 | Academic Support |
Shemesh, Gayle | 520-209-8466 | Academic Support |
Smail-Fleugel, Elizabeth | 520-209-8452 | Academic Support Life Skills |
Wakefield, Kevyn | 520-209-8451 | Special Ed. Prog. Coordinator |