Phone number: 520-209-8300 | Fax: 520-209-8520
Attendance Line: 520-209-8318
School Hours: 8:35am-3:25pm
Counseling Office 520-209-8305
Health Office: 520-209-8304
Athletics Office: 520-209-8412
Registrar: 520-209-8385
School Code: 030476
Dr. Chris Lambert

Lunch Information
Lunch Menu
Healthy Celebrations Flyer (PDF)
National School Lunch Program Application
2024 SUN Bucks Household Application (PDF)
CFSD contracts with Southwest Foodservice Excellence, LLC (SFE) to manage Food Services
at all of our schools and provide a healthy menu for our students.
Main Office (520) 209-8527
Kenny Alexander
General Manager of Foodservice
(520) 209-8345
School Breakfast and Lunch Program
Food at CFSD is provided by Southwest Foodservice Excellence, LLC (SFE).
Breakfast and Lunch Offering:
Nutritious breakfasts and lunches are served every school day of the year at all Catalina Foothills schools At the elementary and middle schools, lunch is not served on half day schedules. Breakfast is available at all schools every school day. A variety of menu choices are available daily. Menus can be found on the district and school websites, in the front offices of each school or in the cafeteria.
National School Breakfast and Lunch Program:
Catalina Foothills Unified School District No. 16 participates in the National School Breakfast and Lunch Program. Due to USDA guidelines, there are requirements that the district must follow in order to receive federal reimbursement.
Per USDA directed guidelines, students must choose 3 of the 5 components which are typically the entrée and a vegetable and/or fruit and/or milk. Every meal which qualifies must include a serving of fruit and/or vegetable. A variety of fruits and vegetables are offered during each meal service so students will have a variety each day.
For breakfast, each meal consists of four components which may include: meat or meat alternate, grains, fruit and/or vegetable and milk. Students must take three components and one of the components must be a fruit or vegetable. Students can make their choice of entrée, fruit, vegetable and milk. All items including eating utensils, cupped fruit and other items that they can choose will be individually wrapped for safety and comply with all health department regulations.
For lunch each meal consists five components which include: meat or meat alternate, grain, fruit, vegetable and milk. Students must take at least three components and one of those components must be a fruit or vegetable. All utensils, cupped fruit, and other items that they choose will be individually wrapped for safety and comply with all health department regulations.
If a student goes to the cash register and their meal does not include the required components, the student will be asked to choose a fruit or vegetable option to make the meal complete per ADE regulations. If the student does not want the fruit or vegetable, then the items on the tray will be charged a la carte pricing per ADE regulations.
A La Carte Items:
*Please note that parents should continue depositing lunch money on their student’s account for a la Carte items at all school locations. To keep the lines moving more efficiently and as a safety precaution, we do not want to exchange cash at the registers.
At the elementary schools, students can purchase extra milk for $.50 and bottled water for $1.00.
At the middle schools and the high school there are a variety of a la carte items such as drinks and nutritious snacks which meet all USDA/ADE Guidelines. Please check the a la carte menus at the schools to see what is available.
Items offered at the snack carts are not part of a reimbursable meal and students must have money in their lunch account in order to make these a la carte purchases.
Payment Options:
1. Electronic payments are preferred and are the safest pre-payment option. Lunch accounts can be funded through the InTouch online payment system. Please visit your school’s website to access the InTouch online payment system. There is no charge to use this system. If you have questions about InTouch or have trouble accessing your child’s account, please contact Hillery Tappan at 520-209-7525 or
2. Checks will be accepted during the school year. At the elementary schools, checks can be dropped off at the office. Checks are loaded daily onto the students’ accounts through InTouch.
3. Cash is also accepted during the school year to put on students’ accounts. At the elementary schools, cash can be dropped off at the front office to be entered into InTouch.
*If you have any questions regarding the school breakfast or lunch program, please call 520-209-8527
*Please note that refunds are only given on lunch accounts with a balance of $15 or more to graduating students or students who leave the district. Lunch balances can be transferred between siblings.