4300 E. Sunrise Drive, Tucson Arizona 85718
Phone number: 520-209-8300 | Fax: 520-209-8520
Attendance Line: 520-209-8318
School Hours: 8:35am-3:25pm
Counseling Office 520-209-8305
Health Office: 520-209-8304
Athletics Office: 520-209-8412
Registrar: 520-209-8385
School Code: 030476
Dr. Chris Lambert
Counseling Home
Role of a School Counselor
CFSD School Counseling
Registration, Records, and Transcripts
Freshman / New Student Transition
Academics: Info and Support
Academic Honors / Awards
College & Career Planning
Mental Health and Wellness /
School & Community Resources
Leadership / Community Opportunities
Summer Opportunities
Summer Opportunities
Any links to third party information on the school's website are provided as a courtesy and do not constitute an endorsement of the resources/materials or the third party representing them.